
Sponsorship for Restoring Bhutan's Thangkas

Please see click on the above picture to see how your contribution will help our ongoing project in Bhutan.If you would like to sponsor the conservation of a thangka or help with the Wish List, please contact Ephraim Jose at friendsofthemonks@gmail.com or at (808) 532-3659.We're looking forward to adding to our list of sponsors!

- Sponsorship for restoration of the Sakyamuni Thangka was given by University of Hawaii educator, Ed Wiggers, on 3/24/2009.

- Sponsorship for the Dorji Drolo Thangka was given by communications expert Brigida Bergkamp on 5/1/2009.

- Sponsorship for the Mahakala Thangka was given by educators Evelina, Steve, Philip and Fred Cichy on 5/1/2009.